I am back, up and running again and I really hope you enjoyed looking at my new blog site. I am so very proud of it !!
Today's blog is to make you aware of this brand called BECo and what they are doing to raise awareness of Disability equality in the workplace.
BECo is a 165 year old soap creating UK enterprise, they employ 80% of their staff with visual impairment and other disabilities. All of these amazing individuals have many more fantastic qualities other than making soap for BECo and the company would like everyone else to know about each of their staff members.
Beco are advertising their staff on their products and on their website so that other companies can find their talent and #stealourstaff . They literally want you to take them and put them in jobs that will put their qualities to better use.
49% of individuals with disabilities remain unemployed in the UK. Join the movement and decrease this number.
If you would like to steal a member of staff from BECo you can do this by:
· Searching their profiles at www.beco.uk/stealourstaff
· Email the staff members name, your job vacancy, company information and contact details to SOS@CLARITY.COM
If you are not in a position to hire staff members you can still help by:
Continuing to purchase BECo soaps. This will keep the employed members of staff in work. You will find BECo products in Waitrose, COOP, Boots and Ethicalsuperstore.com .
Their soaps come in liquid and bar form and are all:-
· Cruelty free
· 100% recyclable on the outside
· 100% readily biodegradable on the inside
· Vegan friendly
· Made by people with disabilities.
You can also share the adverts created by BECo about their staff members to share the word. Don’t forget to use #stealourstaff .
Get involved.
Thanks for reading.
Nicola XXX
October 10, 2019